Building routines for coding (with R)

Apr 18, 2021 00:00 · 130 words · 1 minute read

This year’s April brought me the 🔥#30DayChartChallenge for which I struggled to code and to create a beautiful viz daily.

In the middle of this challenge, being overwhelmed by my daily activities, I stopped with the aim to review and improve my routines.

Firstly, participating in a challenge without having set the dataset is quite challenging!

Secondly, I believe that few elements can help:

  • set a fix duration daily either in the morning, afternoon or evening. e.g. 1 hour daily
  • ggplot2 knowledge ( or increase the time to read the package documentation)
  • personal theme customization for generating viz in a defined a-priors ( e.g. titles, subtitle, includes the twitter account, day of the challenge, colors palette)

I will continue to add ideas here so I can maximize such participation. 😀