How to count in R dplyr

Mar 7, 2021 15:44 ยท 161 words ยท 1 minute read

I decided to explore some common functions from tidyverse ecosystem in an attempt to start participating in the #tidytuesday.

count verb is one of the most used functions I noticed in most of the participants scripts. Coming from an SQL/SAS background to R, I usually either think in plain SQL counts or proc freq’s for counting.

In R, I discovered the dplyr and in my first attempts I’ve always used the SQL mindset: group_by, then summarize.

However, count() verb is quite easy to use. Let’s deep dive the options:

# basic count
df %>% count(column)

# basic ordered count
df %>% count(column, sort = TRUE)

# multiple groups ordered count
df %>% count(column1, column2, sort = TRUE)

# counts on data cubes structure with wt option
df %>% count(column2, wt = freq)

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